Ibis News


Ibis News is a weekly newsletter emailed to all undergraduate students at the University of Miami. It is sent every Wednesday morning during the academic year (except holidays). Its primary goal is to inform students about upcoming events (and major deadlines) open to all students.

Submitting Content

All University of Miami students, faculty, and staff members are able to submit items to Ibis News. All submissions must be received by the Wednesday preceding the edition in which it is set to appear (i.e. one week in advance), and submissions emailed to ibisnews@miami.edu are not accepted.

In order to maintain Ibis News as a meaningful and relevant source of timely information for all undergraduate students, SA Comms will edit submissions for length and clarity as well as to limit the number of items included in each issue. Therefore, please follow the guidelines below.

Examples of Accepted Content

  • University of Miami events open to all undergraduate students
  • Opportunities for on-campus student involvement relevant to undergraduate students
  • Information about new or changed campus resources, initiatives, or services available to all undergraduate students

Note: The same item can not be submitted to more than two issues of Ibis News.

What to Include

Information contained in Ibis News is intended to guide students to other sources where they can find more information. Be prepared to submit

  • A headline/title
  • Concise information about the event, program, service, or initiative (most items will be shortened to a single phrase/sentence)
  • Applicable dates, times, and locations
  • All submissions require a link to an online source where students can find more information

Examples of Unaccepted Content

Items that fit the criteria listed below will not be considered for inclusion in Ibis News:
  • Events or deadlines that are more than two weeks away
  • Regularly scheduled club meetings
  • Non-University of Miami events
  • Outside advertising (including promotions of local businesses)
  • Recruitment for academic classes/programs
  • Research or other types of polls or surveys
  • Student employment job postings for single positions (i.e. an office assistant)

Submission Form
