Digital Signage

Use the form below to submit content to digital screens within the Shalala Student Center, UM Dining locations, and/or Housing and Residential Life buildings.

Digital Signage Submission Form

Donna E. Shalala Student Center (SC) Digital Signage

Digital signage is primarily intended to inform visitors of events and activities held in the SCC or promote events sponsored by the SCC and/or Student Life Departments. It also offers an opportunity for University of Miami student organizations, campus departments, and the community to broadcast events or announcements. The cost for the use of the SC digital signs is free for student organizations and campus departments.

To utilize the SC digital signage the event needs to meet the following criteria:

  • The event is being held in a Student Center Complex space.
  • The event must be of interest to the greater campus community.
  • The event must be open to the public or a broad segment of the campus community.
    Student organizations' general meetings do not apply.


  • All submissions will be reviewed and approved before being uploaded. Please allow up to one week for approval.
  • Space is limited and not guaranteed. The advertisements are prioritized on a "first come, first served" basis. Early submission of your information offers a greater possibility and availability.
  • The digital signage must promote an event that interests the greater campus community and is open to the public or a broad segment of the campus community.
  • We reserve the right to refuse service.
  • If applicable, the submitter has permission to use copyrighted or trademarked material.
  • The SCC is not responsible for technical difficulties if the system goes offline.

Image Specifications:

  • Create one image that is 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels tall (landscape)
  • Save as: JPG or PNG
  • Color: RGB 
  • The submitter is responsible for securing all rights for images/graphics used in the signage

UM Dining Locations

Select flat-screen displays throughout the Centennial Village and Mahoney-Pearson dining halls are designated for registered student organizations and campus departments to broadcast announcements that interest the greater campus community or events that must be open to a broad segment of the campus community. The digital signage rotates content throughout the day to garner more interest and may be displayed for up to 6 weeks.

Image Specifications

  • Create one image that is 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels tall (landscape) 
  • Save as: JPG or PNG
  • Color: RGB 
  • The submitter is responsible for securing all rights for images/graphics used in the signage

Housing and Residential Life

Digital signage is primarily intended to inform residents of HRL programs, services, and other initiatives related to living on campus. The digital signage must promote an event that interests the greater campus community and is open to the public or a broad segment of the campus community. We reserve the right to refuse service. Generally, images will be displayed for up to 5 days before an event.

Image Specifications

  • Create one image that is 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels tall (landscape) 
  • Save as: JPG or PNG
  • Color: RGB 
  • The submitter is responsible for securing all rights for images/graphics used in the signage


For issues with the submission form, please email
